Club Windang, Windang Bowling Club

Merger, Amalgamation or Unification?

Well, it’s finally going to happen.

Windang Women’s Bowling Club will be uniting with Windang Bowls Club Ltd, or should that be merge, or amalgamate? Who cares!

Whatever word you choose, the outcome is going to be the same.

We’re going to be one club!


We love our club, we love the game of bowls (well, most of us do!), and we love the people we’ve grown close to in the club. Perhaps our whole family, over multiple generations has been a part of our club. It’s understandable that there will be a fear of losing attachment to our club, to our history and to our traditions. Rather than cling tighter onto the old traditions, It’s time to embrace change and break free from the ….”But that’s how we’ve always done it!”  mindset and pave the way for the future bowling members of Windang Bowling Club.

The transition from the old to the new is going to take vision, energy & passion, mixed in with a lot of commitment from our Board & Management, existing members, committees and volunteers. It’s not going to be easy but I’m fairly certain, it’s going to be worth it.

On behalf of our members, I’d like to welcome the members of Windang Women’s Bowling Club. I’m looking forward to the many challenges that lay ahead, and trust me, we’re going to confront those challenges head on, just like a juggernaut to secure the future bowls at Windang for many years to come.


BA 2022-2025 Strategic Plan
CPR Group – Mergers & Amalgamations
CPR Group – The future of Bowls Clubs