Club Windang, Competitions, Social

Return To Bowls Plan – Windang Bowling Club


Welcome Back.

It won’t be long now! We’ve missed our old mates, well some of us have, and we’ve missed that refreshing sound, smell and most of all, the taste of freshly poured beer out of a tap after (and during) the game we love. It’ll be great to get back on the green with our mates.

It looks like our Club is scheduled to open on Monday 11th Oct. Unfortunately the greens will remain closed for a short period as we develop our Reopen Plan. This should give us the opportunity to address concerns involved with vaccination issues, staffing levels, customer levels, and opening and closing times……and the list goes on. Only then we can be confident that we will be able to provide the staff and the services for the enjoyment of our members and guests. We thank you for your patience and co-operation as we go through this period together.

Below is a plan for the first two weeks after we open. The greens will be closed for four days followed by rollups and practice for three days. The Match Committee will have a meeting to discuss all things bowls on Tuesday 12th Oct. Online entries will be open on Wednesday 13th Oct for Social bowls commencing on Wednesday 20th October. As I write this post, the restrictions were set to 20 people per green. We’ll have three greens available so we can only have 60 people at a time. This figure could change any time so this means that initially, Social Bowls will be for members of Windang Bowling Club only.

The Match Committee will discuss formats and times etc during the meeting. The plan will then be updated to suit.


*Decision on Club Championship schedule for remainder of 2021 will be made during Board Meeting Tues 19th Oct.


Minimum Requirements For Bowls Participants.

COVID Safe check-ins and proof of vaccination required upon entry to club premises.

Bowls participants are required to be double vaccinated for all bowls activities.

This includes:

  1. Rollups & Practice
  2. Social Bowls
  3. Club Championships

All Participants must agree to abide by all COVID Safe requirements and Staff Instructions whenever on club premises.

Masks required for all staff and customers (not required when drinking or eating) in all indoor settings.

Masks no longer required in outdoor settings (except for front-of-house hospitality staff).

Drinking indoors must be seated, but drinking outdoors may be seated or standing.

No congregating in large groups outside before, during and after the game.

Players must bring their own water bottles. Water available from bar during opening hours.

All dates and requirements may be subject to change on short notice based on current restrictions as set out by the NSW Government.


Need help with your proof of Vaccination?

Click on the pic below for more information.


Looking forward to seeing you all again. If you do have any queries, I’m only a phone call away. You know my number!

If you don’t,  just scan the QR Code to contact me, (Samsung and Androids may require a QR Scanner App). We’ll be using QR Codes for Club Championship Entries next year so stay tuned!